CUB SCOUT PACK 975 – Volunteer and Committee Positions
These Pack Leadership positions are open. Training available and no previous experience is required. Times listed do not include time spent during meetings. Please help make the Pack go!
Den Leader / Assistant Den Leader – All Den Leaders would love to have more help!
- Assist with den meeting planning and help lead.
- Assist with award presentation on stage and help at Pack meetings.
- Complete Den Leader training and Youth Protection Training online.
- Wear the proper BSA uniform during scout events.
- Attend monthly committee meetings on 2nd Thursday of each month.
- Attend the Pack annual planning meeting.
- This position requires 2-4h per month.
- Lead Pack Meetings as “Master of Ceremonies”. Agenda provided to you in advance.
- Complete Cubmaster Fast Start Training and position-specific Basic Leader Training.
- Attend monthly committee meetings on 2nd Thursday of each month.
- Attend the Pack annual planning meeting.
- Wear the proper BSA uniform during scout events.
- This position requires 1-2h per month plus meeting time.
Outings Chair
- Help the Cubmaster plan and arrange for outdoor activities.
- Make camping reservations for 3-4 trips per year.
- Arrange for property, fire, and tour permits when required.
- Attend monthly committee meetings on 2nd Thursday of each month.
- Attend the Pack annual planning meeting.
- This position requires 1-3h per camping trip.
Coffee Fundraiser Coordinator
- Assist committee chair with coffee fundraiser preparations.
- Hand out coffee info/forms to all den leaders at beginning of fundraiser.
- Collect coffee orders and money at end of fundraiser.
- Purchase and organize prizes to hand out to Scouts prior to January Pack Meeting.
- Attend monthly committee meetings on 2nd Thursday of each month.
- Attend the Pack annual planning meeting.
- This position requires 1-4h per month Nov-Jan.
Picture Day Photographer
- Organize and prepare for picture day.
- Arrange for volunteer photographer, or take photos of Scouts.
- Prepare photos for Scouts, add to secure storage website so families can access.
Flyer Creation
- Edit or create flyers for ~5-10 events per year.
- Send to committee chair for proof reading, and edit if necessary.
- Creative skills encouraged, but editing previous flyers is also an option.
WebMaster (Position Opens in March 2022; Assistant Position open now)
- Maintain the Pack website.
- Keep the Pack website content up to date with information needed by members.
- Ensure information posted on website is accurate.
- Add content provided by leadership in a timely manner.
- Add/Remove PayPal payment buttons as needed.
- Attend monthly committee meetings on 2nd Thursday of each month.
- Attend the Pack annual planning meeting.
- This position requires 1-4h per month.